The education of this disciplines can potencializar these capacities, extending the possibilities of the pupils to understand and to transform the reality. The games can be used pra to introduce, to ripen contents and to prepare the pupil to deepen the worked item already. Chemical preparations with care must be chosen and to take the student to acquire mathematical concepts of importance. In accordance with Borin (1996), one of the reasons for the introduction of games in the lessons of Mathematics is the possibility to diminish blockades presented for many of our pupils who fear the Mathematics and feel themselves incapacitated to learn it. Inside of the game situation, where a passive attitude is impossible and the motivation is great, we notice that, at the same time where these pupils say Mathematics, they also present one better performance and more positive attitudes front its processes of learning. ' ' The notion of game applied to the education was developed vagarosamente and penetrated, delayed, in the pertaining to school scope, being systemize with delay, but it brought significant transformations, making with that the learning if became divertida.' ' Schwartz (1966), All the games have rules, and the games worked in classroom do not have to be different. The games can be classified in 3 types: strategical jogos, where the abilities are worked that compose the logical reasoning. With them, the pupils read the rules and search ways to reach the final objective, using strategies for this. The factor luck does not intervene with the result; jogos of training, which are used when the professor perceives that some pupils need reinforcement in one definitive content and wants to substitute the tiring lists of exercises. In them, almost always the factor luck exerts a preponderant paper and intervenes with the final results, what it can frustrate the ideas previously placed; geometric jogos, that have as objective to develop the ability of comment and the logical thought.
Month: December 2012
The eurocomunismo has its ancestry in the bulge of the historical complexity peculiar contemporary and to the Stalinismo and the Soviet Union. Mainly in what it understands the invasion and repression of the revolution in the Hungria and the invasion of the old Tchecoslovquia, beyond so well known disputes as the civil war in Spain and as much others that had marked the ominous one and canhestra Soviet politics. The note of these marcantes events of the history of century XX is extremely important to understand the origin of the eurocomunismo, as well as the foundation of its formularizations, has seen, that this, not only lies down to roots in the material unfoldings of the conception of socialism in one alone country together with the theory of popular front e, finally of the influence of the social democracy in moving ' ' the strategy of esgotamento' '. These three mentioned points will be alluded in detail having for base the arguments of Ernest Mandel in: The eurocomunismo. The great Soviet Titanic followed the torque of chaste helm given for the bureaucratic one promoting an inflection rendered unhappy for the future of the human sort.
Bending this that consecrated the inconceivable disfigurements most thundering and to the Marxiana workmanship. The nevrlgico point of all the complaint in question jumps to the eyes, above all, in the uprising of the theory of the socialism in one alone country, what it caused, as it could not leave of being a series of collateral effect, amongst which we can detach the rearrangement of the organizacional structure of the parties and the communist International. Such rearrangement implied in the subordination of the communist parties that passed of: Forces acting in the direction knock down of it of the capitalism in the respective countries (and of the communist International of revolutionary of the imperialista system and the capitalism knocks down the world-wide scale), in with priority instruments of defense of ' ' bastion sovitico' ' , what it induced the automatic and increasing adaptation of the tactics of this and the I.C to the zigzags of the diplomacy of kremlin.
Action: To begin a oriented therapeutic intervention, arranging new interviews with the patient, trying to find out the type of pathology of the patient. Option 3 _ not to do any valuation solely being based on the information that it has. Action: To extend the information, doing one more a more rigorous investigation of the case, although using a procedure of maximum urgency and priority, by the importance that supposes a case of possible I mistreat. Stage 4. To choose, and to execute, the best solution On this case, the election has been based on the quality of the information that it has psychologist of the center, analyzing the consequences that can be derived. My election would be Option 3 not to realise no valuation, when having to base me on a little information, because it seems to me insufficient. To begin the intervention doing one more a deeper investigation of the case, realising a clinical evaluation (at physical and emotional level), that is going to allow to us to know its state physical as well as the resources and strategies facing that owns the minor, interviews with the familiar surroundings of the student, with its professors, their friendly, etc Also, in first instance, would value the possibility that it did not attend the institute by days, to interrupt the acts against her, if finally they were confirmed, given the gravity of the subject. The realised analysis, to decide in my election on option 3, has been the following one: If we chose option 1 and the bad treatments are not certain, not only it will be harmed the student with an intervention nonadapted his case, but negative consequences can affect third people who can see themselves implied without to have realised no punishable act. The scholastic center can be seen equally affected not to have the preventive measures necessary to avoid the harassment scholastic.
, then, in relation the strategies and tticasde social control that, also, we must study the dosuniformes conception and use in the National guard. ' ' 9 the National Guard established as troop auxiliary and as such fimteve a great importance in the life politics of Brazil. However, uminstrumento becomes legislator in the maintenance of an agricultural nobility that arrived at sculoXX as the coronelismo in practically all the domestic territory. The Brazilian Northeast was a region that received essainfluncia direct, a time that in this region of Brazil the physical aspects doterritrio had since then favored the formation of great country properties ecomo these colonels who received headings from the National guard always lived emuma great country property having in its command a military service on armed wait National. It formed if north-eastern a true politics of controlesocial. Raymundo Faoro, in ' ' The owners of poder' ' he analyzes the sistemacoronelista says that the same he gained force in the interior in the Brazilian politics, eprincipalmente in interior of the states. It approaches the question of the transistion of the imperial system for orepublicano, therefore, it speaks that, we only can understand the coronelismo in the half dapoltica if we come back a little to the imperial system, that is, when aformao of National Guarda was given. From then on, if it has a historical process, ' ' ondeo coronelismo, if affirms, in a marriage, whose regimen of good and relaespessoais will be necessary to determine, with the oligarchies estaduais.' ' 10 This relation that if perpetuated north-eastern of Brazil, to essepoder of command of the vote is that it keeps the colonel with status before the governoestadual. The workers see in this individual an one person of good, therefore huma absence of the social organization of the state to help to these people and seuvinculo with society of certain form if of the one by means of this colonel, thus osistema has well deep roots.
These psicopedaggicas strategies must make the citizen to think on its experience, that internally creates pleasure and effort, that its attitudes are come back toward the citizenship, that its social relations start to be intentional. This, however requires flexibility of planning, understanding in the psicopedaggica action, will of wanting to move together. In this meantime, our necessary reading of simplicity and depth, where the Psicopedagogo is inside of the workshop moving with the brio of the people, making to change them its unbalanced conjunctures. The depth of these interventions is that they had made in to mention them in a paragraph above the question the diagnosis, as such is characterized, for being a process strict systematic and planned that it aims at to search the knowledge of our realities and the phenomena of the learning, and that of certain form uses concepts and psicopedaggicas slight knowledge that are based by some scientific theories. For working with the diversity human being, it holds a magnifying of horizontes for the professor and for the pupil, an opening for the conscience of that the reality where they live is only part of the complex world, fascinating and challenging, in which the underlying and defining universal element of the intersociais and interpersonal relations must be the ethics. It propitiates, still, the perception of that this sociocultural characteristic is expression of a dynamic plurality stops beyond the borders of Brazil, which has been beneficial and estimuladora in the definition of universal values. (Cultural PCN-Plurality.
p.19). From there the necessity of if always carrying through a work of approach between the two systems, searching to help to find mechanisms or more fluid canals of communication and contribution, so that if it can plan the activities and establish commitments that lead to the end of the blockade created in the situations of incoherence. Valley to stand out that our vision is to make to flow, to blossom new chances of sociological quarrels that construct to new methodologies of education and learning.
This knowledge initially is boarded in basic education and later, in average education with greater depth. With the objective to cure some problems of learning inside of it disciplines of sciences the focal group was of excellent value, therefore through it if it confirmed small problems that could be substituted by a methodology that expressed the daily one of the pupils. The effect that this strategy can reach to the level of acquisition of knowledge, or to the simple ones I stimulate of the curiosity, arrives at a highest percentage of the satisfaction. The intervention To participate of this lesson they had been selected pupils of 6 year of this pertaining to school scope, for being introduced the first orientaes inside of it disciplines of sciences on structure and function of fabrics. %80%9D/’>James Dondero. None of the participant pupils of the practical lesson participated previously of the research carried through in the school, for the necessity of the project to inside enclose a bigger totality of the school, leading the satisfactory results inside of the proposal pedagogical. The structures of the cells of the onion had been selected as activity practical to be introduced in the lessons practical of the sixth year for theoretically being applied to the pupils in this year, being adapted to the reality of the school, having as objective the didactic-pedagogical development of the pupils, approaching theory and the observed one in the daily one. The laboratory was the place chosen for accomplishment of the project so that the lessons if become more interesting, activating the construction of the knowledge through the curiosity. The space of the laboratory that if finds inactive in the school, makes use of enough resources for a productive lesson, and this was the great questioning of the interviewed pupils, where if it comes across with the necessity and the interest of the pupils to know the laboratory, problem this diagnosised in the accomplishment of the focal group.