Month: March 2014


According to recommendation above, for a intent observer, is explicit that it is a process that involves as actors, not only the alunado one, when many educators, unconsciously submit, to the times, until, the situations that express the self-discipline lack, forgetting themselves that they must be examples so that the order prevails in its scope of work, not being facultative to fulfill to it with determinative that they promote the disciplinaridade. When attempting against for the distinction it enters disciplines, while criterion for the secular life and while criterion for the maintenance of the pertaining to school order, perceives a certain indissociabilidade, where if it cannot differentiate them, in what it says respect to the subordination relation. However, Furlani (2001: 44), confer one another look on discipline, when supporting that the conception of disciplines pertaining to school is associated with the form of some of organization of the lesson, with the autodomnio of professors and pupils, and the concentration of efforts of the professor in the gratuity or ' ' reinforcing positivo' ' for the pupils (the professor as facilitador of the adequate performances of the pupils). Libneo (1994: 252), defend point of view of it disciplines that it in classroom, has relation with the profile of practical professor, when emphasizing that: One of the difficulties most common faced by the professor is what if costuma to call ' ' control of disciplina' '. Thus saying, of a impression of that a miraculous key exists that the professor manipulates disciplines to keep it. It is not thus.

It disciplines it of the classroom is directly on to the style of the practical professor, that is, to the professional authority, moral and technique of the professor. How much big authority of professor (in the direction that we mention), more the pupils will give value to its requirements. As if he can perceive, the professor has authorities to exert, which if reveal, according to thought of this author, in three levels: professional? that he expresses yourself as the domain of the substance, as well as of the methods and procedures that he adopts before education; moral? that it is presented by means of its professional devotion; technique? that gift in the elect didactic-pedagogical processes becomes in direction of education and learning.

Perhaps Bauman

Hypercomplexity vs. Single thought must be admitted, however, that removing the globalization process from which some seek to encallejonar it, i.e., in the economic and then, to a lesser amount, politically, to take it to the ground of the socio-cultural, raises hypercomplexity epistemological requirements and would require addressing topics such as chaos, self-organization, fractals and fuzzy sets. Manuel Castells (the era of the information, the city and citizens, the Internet Galaxy) insists, an analysis dump toward communication, in a real virtuality, i.e., the symbols are converted to real experience and where it changes the concept of power and up to the logical reason. This leads to what we have already pointed out, building networks as new forms of power and be reborn, in all its splendor, of local life. It’s something we might call with Zigmunt Bauman (Liquid modernization, Globalization.) The human consequences) the end of geography, a purpose that affects from love and human links to art itself. Perhaps Bauman first in having used the term glocalization, to highlight the damage of a one-sided look, i.e. only looking from the global point losing sight of the local. And it is here, believe us, where there are to look the subject culture in the global world, changing the direction of the gaze, something that cannot understand the left caviar.

We are, therefore, faced with a situation which we have called multiculturalism which requires a multidimensional look. And, obviously, that rescue rejects global as a simple homogenization. Finally, after all, the global multiply lad interdependencies. Frederic Munne, (of the globalization of the world to the globalization of the mind) analyzes the topic managing points such as non-linear relationships, chaotic dynamics, weld organization, development Fractal and fuzzy boundary. Briefly: globalization is not a succession of causes and effects-linear, so you have to read it as a hypertext, insists Munne, pointing out that non-linear or a linear context shows different realities: in one, the uncertainty is ignorance that emanates from the missing information, while in this happens to be a source of knowledge in both that emanates from the emerging information.

Santa Maria

The boat allows the trip with the automobile. How to move by Majorca Surely to rent an automobile to me it is the best option for those people whom they look for to know a little island of Majorca, because attractive natural and the landscaping ones that offers the island they are so many, some of them difficult, who only through private vehicle and looking for sometimes the contact with the people of the place, can be gotten to discover authentic jewels, still not known for most of the visitors. Majorca counts on an ample road network. Between years 1965 and 2000 a series of railcars was constructed that communicate the capital with the main localities and regions of the island. Besides railcars, it counts on numerous secondary routes of interlocal connection and local, many of them have been rehabilitated and improved years in the last, and the signaling is perfect, so you will not have any problem at the time of leading. Sites of interest in Majorca In your visit by Majorca, aside from its beaches and coves, you would not have to stop knowing his beautiful and conserved castles well, beginning by the one of Alar, one of the most typical excursions for the tourists, in addition with the car to you have it to rent easy. The castle is near the city of Alar, and it is possible to be acceded to him walking or in car. Also you can visit the castles of Capdepera, the one of Bellver and the one of Sant Carles. Essential the excursion to some of the natural parks of Majorca, one of the most visited the one of Mondrag. Located in the south-east coast, in navy of Llevant, the park offers diverse itineraries to know their many attractive natural and architectonic ones. In the city of Palm you must visit two of the more famous architectonic stamps: The City council of Palm and its beautiful gothic cathedral of century XIII, Santa Maria of Palma de Mallorca (the Seu) and the Monastery of Lluc, place of peregrination in the island to lodge the image of the Virgin of Lluc (employer of Majorca)

Same Managers Recruitment

It is important to understand that the HR-management – is not an end in itself, but only a means to grow our business. By becoming experts in the business of the company, the recruiter is more effective and in staffing. Internal recruiters are spending too much time on reading and sorting resumes. The same they usually account for alleged lack of time for anything else, including an active search. This problem is simple: a) reduce or even stop) the flow of resumes, and b) to instruct them sorted trainee or assistant. Instead, the recruiter is really qualified to do better than actually looking for: the right to tie contacts, the search and stimulation of referees, building good relationships with the professionals, the development of "recruitment networks" … Start with the people who work in the department for which you are looking for someone … They're all worked somewhere before? Just ask them the names of their former colleagues …

recruiter who spends more than 20% of the time reading a resume is not a "bounty hunter", but simply a reader. Internal recruiters allow linear managers to evade recruitment, thereby "killing" his work. Yes, managers do not like to do recruiting. However, is not it written in every textbook on management, that the main task manager – to attract and motivate the right (read: better) people? Therefore, the task of the recruiter – to persuade and encourage line managers to actively cooperate with you, return the function of recruitment of managerial responsibilities.