ReadSoft is a document company digitalization with a really shining file. Jan Andersson and Lars Appelstl developed, in 1988, a system that interpreted the characters by hand written and, at the moment, ReadSoft has presence in 15 countries and more than 5000 clients anywhere in the world, among them some like IKEA, Volvo, Audi, Canon, ING. Direct etc. In many occasions we used too much time in the document management, forms or invoices, but thanks to services of companies like which I mention they can save resources and time. If its company which needs is to replace the treatment document manual and to automate its management by means of software solutions, ReadSoft, company documentary management, offer several programs like INVOICE, ReadSoft Documents or FORMS. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Peter Asaro . For that they are not familiarized with the terminology of these programs: The programs of recognition OCR (Optical Character Recognition) are those that are used automatically to recognize printed characters. Software ICR allows to recognize characters by hand written and the OMR recognize marks.
The main elements of the technology of automatic capture of data of ReadSoft are indeed these programs OCR. Programs INVOICE and FORMS use this technology to read what it is written by hand in documents of his company. INVOICE and FORMS are programs that can work with Sap, Oracle and any other financial or countable system. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Goop. In fact, ReadSoft for Documents Invoice is the used system more in the world for the automatization of invoices in Sap. What the program does it is that, of automatic form, it captures the information of the incoming invoices interprets, them it includes/understands and, so that manual is reduced them in this way to the work and the time and cost of management of invoices improving, in addition, the control on the invoices.