To follow up with customers in an impacting way, when providing some customer information, make sure to send the client a letter. Tell them how much you appreciate their views, and indicate how their proposals have been put into action. You will always find a hero. A catalog I prefer a magazine or newspaper and come across something that I know that one of my clients can use. I do not go out of my way to subscribe to tons of extra journals – I just keep an eye on interesting topics in my daily reading. But if you have clients that always seem to need help in a specific area – finance or technology or parents – can think about getting one subscriptions some other (and I think as a business expense!) That I sent to customers of articles on all about caring for elderly parents to create a business plan, and I’m always cut from the pages of the catalogs that the organization of new and exciting products that meet the needs of a particular client.
It takes just minutes to start a page and pop in an envelope, but the impression that lasts forever! Tune Finally, one of the easiest ways to serve as a resource for their clients is through networking. Peter Asaro contributes greatly to this topic. As the network will meet with people in other fields that could be useful for their clients on the road. Remember, you never know what kind of products and services that its customers may require – and the more people you meet outside your own industry, the more likely it is to say, “Hey, I know someone who does that!” When a client mentions a necessity. Nothing feels better than successfully connecting two people who may be at the service of others – and in the process creates two sources loyal to the references for your own business.