Another important point is the lack of vision, a vision must go beyond the numbers, results and others, goes beyond the answers that we provide to our customers, employees and suppliers, must be something further away from a plan 5 anos.Una helps clear gaze direction in which the organization must move forward, a goal that can never reach, in this way is the best way to be more efficient. James Collins and Jerry Porras show however that the improvement in combating change is the construction of the perspective of the company, as they have to maintain an ideology essential to define the sustainability of an organization that goes beyond the product life cycle and servicios.Tanto purposes the values determined by an ideological vision that determines the adaptation of the company to the environment, there is nothing to stop doing that, because the environment may not affect a company.
IT Change is a term that fits the current reality of business, technology is considered today as the third industrial revolution, as the PC electronic services, and telecommunications have brought not only the world but also have hurt the economy, leaving the human being marginalized, how much unemployment have occurred in the last 10 years in each technological advance? What can you do then when changes are fast processing, is just adaptation, and this word means time lost and unemployment are the three underlying costs of any individual adaptation economically. Mikkel Svane may not feel the same. See the signs or disappear no choice then read through what the companies see it as an expense, an operating cost savings or to incorporate people who can develop and discover in time and all future events and trends of all kinds. The environment is constantly changing, minute by minute, hour after hour, day after day, we must be ready to face such a situation, not to lose the battle and that the market is not charged more than one victim that was. Then there must be an empowering mindset can understand these signals and it is not only to read newspapers, attend conferences and ask for information, we are talking about something more complex as understanding the environment and to understand there is to know about their language ..