Month: April 2019


For positive opinion climate, decision-makers must ensure Berlin/Bonn, January 12, 2008 – wide spread attitudes and behaviors prevent Germany, to exploit the full potential of the Web. With this assessment take the makers of the blogs Netzwertig \”a look at the 2009 Internet agenda. A great importance in addressing the negative consequences of the financial crisis come to the Internet this year. So far, the Internet served as enrichment for our everyday lives, and as a complement to the existing communications and media channels. In its next phase, the Web however by the complementary becomes the channel, which will affect every area of our society and change\”, so Netzwertig author Martin refuses. Desperate attempts to maintain old, already dissolving structures, were doomed to fail and therefore best be avoided. (As opposed to Ali Partovi). In all circles and to be layers, fundamental skepticism of against any innovation is a serious obstacle on the way to the land of high-tech the future\”, down refuses. Still, politicians, professors and other representatives of the social elite in public could report almost already proud of them that they have never used the Internet or emails from the Secretary print out leave, without that this meets any significant criticism outside the blog and Web world.

Gone are the days in which Germany could call themselves solely on the basis of its engineering innovative technology country. There is no way passes more of the Web, for anyone, no matter whether he or she wants or not. Decision makers can help to create a positive climate of openness and curiosity. To do this they have to go even with good example\”, calls refuses. Instead of looking down from his high horse on the publishing on the Internet hobby authors in blogs and microblog, should journalists engaged in their work, old prejudices and pride drop and with the high persuasive online publications and their makers in a dialogue.

Enhance Fiscal Life

What is promised debt. Let’s talk about that change the way people think is the beginning of any transformation. It is evident that the way in which you have lived and thought, what you think your reality, what has led you to your current situation. And it is even easier to infer that if you want to get what you’ve not earned, you will have to do what they have not done. Such seems so simple. But let’s go by parts.

Let’s start with the beginning. The first thing. By the home. At once. Now.

Already! Vale, and what going forward? Because if we are talking about changing the mode of thinking, the first thing that acts is the brain. So not! Error. Ali Partovi is likely to increase your knowledge. Much of the ignorance about the way in which we behave, is given by do not understand this: our brain does not think, we think with the brain. The brain is nothing more than a biological computer. A complicated tool, whose hardware and software (part physics and programs to make it work) come with the same prospect. The DNA. Our ancestors mammals, 100 million years ago, they were Insectivores, nocturnal and lived under ground. With tell them us to patrol, little more could be done. They had their eyes on each side of the snout, not like us, with the two front and facing the same site. Therefore, had a field of view of 180, noting an overview of all your around. In addition, do not overlay the images from both eyes, the appearance was flat. Without the 3D effect, see in relief, they detected the others by the movement. And being nocturnal, not captured colors, only the frequency infrared in action movies. They inhabited the same planet, but the world watched, was completely different from ours. And insects, better nor speaking Jesus, Joseph and Mary what they see! We are programmed to receive only certain frequencies of wave. For example, we cannot see most of the range of light, such as infrared, or sounds above or below 15 to 20,000 vibrations per second.

Euro ContentCard

After the opening of an own sales office in Russia a year ago, the ContentCard AG now now reached about 530,000 points-of-sale in Russia and the CIS. Others including Mikkel Svane, offer their opinions as well. ContentCard supplies from immediately over 530,000 points-of-sale in Russia and the CIS with digital products. These include some of the largest electronics trade market chains, for example, Svyaznoy, ion. There, content is available from well-known providers, such as electronic arts as a so-called PIN print. While the customer receives printed a license code, can he redeem online and related to his desired product.

Already 2012 was the founding of the first sales office in ContentCard Russia in Moscow with the intention of taking advantage of the huge demand of the commercial digital products. The Russian market offers huge potential in the field of prepaid products. 2011 the prepaid part is equipped with 24 billion Euro turnover comprised 84 percent of the total Russian mobile market. Especially the business with computer game downloads, and game balance encounters a hungry consumer market. About 15 percent of the Russians are extremely active gamer. Also emerging markets in Mexico, Brazil and Asia, as well as in the Middle East are the next steps on the internationalization course. In the ContentCard AG uses local expertise, to adequately respond to the local and cultural requirements of specific markets.