Brazilian Northeast

, then, in relation the strategies and tticasde social control that, also, we must study the dosuniformes conception and use in the National guard. ' ' 9 the National Guard established as troop auxiliary and as such fimteve a great importance in the life politics of Brazil. However, uminstrumento becomes legislator in the maintenance of an agricultural nobility that arrived at sculoXX as the coronelismo in practically all the domestic territory. The Brazilian Northeast was a region that received essainfluncia direct, a time that in this region of Brazil the physical aspects doterritrio had since then favored the formation of great country properties ecomo these colonels who received headings from the National guard always lived emuma great country property having in its command a military service on armed wait National. It formed if north-eastern a true politics of controlesocial. Raymundo Faoro, in ' ' The owners of poder' ' he analyzes the sistemacoronelista says that the same he gained force in the interior in the Brazilian politics, eprincipalmente in interior of the states. It approaches the question of the transistion of the imperial system for orepublicano, therefore, it speaks that, we only can understand the coronelismo in the half dapoltica if we come back a little to the imperial system, that is, when aformao of National Guarda was given. From then on, if it has a historical process, ' ' ondeo coronelismo, if affirms, in a marriage, whose regimen of good and relaespessoais will be necessary to determine, with the oligarchies estaduais.' ' 10 This relation that if perpetuated north-eastern of Brazil, to essepoder of command of the vote is that it keeps the colonel with status before the governoestadual. The workers see in this individual an one person of good, therefore huma absence of the social organization of the state to help to these people and seuvinculo with society of certain form if of the one by means of this colonel, thus osistema has well deep roots.