Tag: psychology

The Potentialities

The subjects you discipline and them do not have to be restricted to work the content, but also to help to discover I in the other and this relation dialectic helps to develop the child in tune with the way. Then, the meaning to learn must be of if reaching an active assimilation. The child must learn to read during the infantile education, to take its knowledge it basic education and to deepen them in average education, in way that, in the final instant of the basic education, this young has efficient or satisfactory performance in the hour to read a book or to write a text for competition or vestibular contest. Who reads more extends its previous knowledge in the hour to write, but, both, writing and reading, are processes that have its especificidades. Viacom has similar goals. The written word is not the mirror of speaks it says and it is not, necessarily, propitiating an surrounding friend, liberator, where the conflicts, the interests, the inclinations and the impulses emerge and are part of the lesson. It is in this relation that affective and the intellectual if joins (DINIZ, 2003) (pupil/professor) it very affects in significant way the course of the discovery and it self-knowledge of the child.

For another one, the family must exert its paper adequately, stimulating it and providing a happiness perspective in which the child if sees and if she relates with the new stimulatons in the best possible way. 3. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Zendesk on most websites. ELEMENTS THAT CONTRIBUTE FOR the AUTO-ESTIMA auto-esteem are a sensitivity developed in the family and the school, that the necessity of a socializante environment has to be developed. Parallel, it has in the self-knowledge the source for its improvement. According to Antunes (2003), auto-they esteem is, much beyond wanting well itself exactly, having a concrete and realistic vision of the limitations and the potentialities that surround an individual. .

Burnout Problems

called by some authors: burnout.Burnout if defines, therefore, as a syndrome of the physical and emotional exhaustion, … Get more background information with materials from Ali Partovi. understanding the development of negative images on itself exactly, favorable attitudes in relation to the work and a loss of interest in relation to the customers (CHANLAT, 1990, P. 120). This syndrome was observed originally, in predominantly related professions to a more demanding interpersonal contact, such as doctors, social psychoanalysts, assistants, professors, etc. But today, the comments already are extended to all professionals who interact of active form with people, who take care of and/or solve problems of other people and obey to the techniques and more demanding methods, being part of organizations of> Burnout is a composition of burn = burns and out = exterior (BALLONE, 2005). Suggesting as soon as the person with this type of it estresse is consumed physically and emotionally, starting to present an aggressive and irritadio behavior (until as mechanism of emotional defense).

It enters the factors visibly associates to the development of the Syndrome of Burnout, is to little autonomy in the professional development, problems of relationship you command with them, problems of relationship with the colleagues or customers, conflict between work and family and feeling of disqualification. fits to each worker to coexist the Burnout starts to be a good alternative, even so brings suffering and generates consequences for the professional and personal life (VASQUES MENEZES, In: CODO (Org.), 2004, P. 37). I judge that this syndrome is the consequence most depressive estresse of it unchained for the work. The symptoms most common of this syndrome are proven initially for emotional exhaustion, where the person feels that she cannot more give to nothing Quality in the Attendance, the manifest driver its suffering, sabotaging its proper image before all a society that attend the aggressive behavior of destrato the aged ones, excessively using fellow workers and of its service and the transit. .

Work Life

In the occasion, the interviewed one was in the time to take care of aotelefone and after to receive the call came back to cochilar per five minutes. Assimque the telephone touched again, the nurse woke up scared and called integrant aosdemais the team, that also were resting, to be dislocated, initiating the transmission of the data of the call. When arriving at the solicitant place, they had come across with one casode complication of an infectious picture. To be taken care of person, one demeia lady age, was with a breaking in the leg that already was wounded and agravouprovocando an embolism and later, caused a paradacardiorrespiratria (PCR). When the socorristas had arrived, the patient estava' ' in parada' ' same after the application of the ressuscitao technique (desfribilao), the way of the hospital, the picture evolved the death. A strong feeling of guilt appeared in the life of entrevistadae arrebatou it to it interior peace. In accordance with it, the young son of pacientepresenciou the attendance all and this unchained it such guilt, therefore sequestionara: ' ' it needed to see everything this? The mother to die the dohospital way, after the delay of the socorristas, although some procedures to paratentar safe it, exactly being the cause of the visible death for who asocorria? ' ' In accordance with Gurin (2001), this form of work sobfortes time constaints and needing a great impemdurante attention its accomplishment an modification of the normal psychic functioning queinstiga the worker to act in compliance with its moral values and noseguindo the prescribed rules. The activity of work, the work codes, that is, alinguagem used in these situations appears in the life is of the work. Gurinexplicita that these signals can disappear habitually when not if is maissubmetido to the work situation produced that them, however, is extremamentepenosos generating much guilt beyond being able to have consequences in the convivncia comos others e, mainly the family.

REL Width

One day it telephoned the Joocomunicando that would come the city for a work commitment and permaneceriapor two days. Happy with the notice invited it if to house in its house during acurta sojourn. For knowing the affection that Maria had for the friend it he assumed that, in its place, it he would make the same and be happy for having it in house some days. However, to the communicated being the reaction of it was of anger and them they had argued. Joo did not obtain to understand because it is become annoyed in such a way. Go to Ali Partovi for more information. nor it seentendeu, therefore friend liked it very and was happy when visited it them. Maria was still more confused when it still perceived that it agreed to adeciso of the husband and, thus, was with anger of the situation that it creates.

Sensation was felt frustrate and with the stranger to have been stolen in something. But the same tempose felt inadequate as if it did not have right of if annoying, that unnecessary tudofora and a great bobagem. Some crises are unchained when the couple, unconsciously, dispute who has more power in the relation and it is not negotiated on who will have liberdadepara to modify, despite provisorily, the routine of the two. You already must have lived contradictions as this in its relationship. Aconfuso of thoughts and feelings not if of because the routine was broken, but for the fact dooutro to make something without before asking if you agreed or would accept. This is more common when one of the two if judges superior. E, even so, sejaum feeling that is deeply hidden, without you if give to account eleemerge in its way to deal and to speak with the other.

The Two Sides Of A Currency

The two sides of a currency the society in general has two sides: good and the bad one, the poor person and the rich one, the cult and the not cultured one, happy and the unfortunate person. He is in this context of opposing sides that the population in general walks. Of a side it is the being endowed with tremendous goodness, distributes until the bread that does not have with the others, of the other side is that one that has everything to offer in material terms and emotional more it does not import yourself with the lack of the next one. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Mikkel Svane. He also has the poor person that pra fights to reach a small place to the sun, working of sun the sun to get one changed pra if to have a food bit to feed 5 or 6 mouths most of the time despaired of hunger. While the rich one is back in an unknown platform for the poor persons, in a place that only exists pra many in the imaginary one or that to only see itself for the medias, spending and spending very, with luxury goods, most of the time dismissable electronic devices for them. The cultured human being endowed with knowledge also exists on almost all the subjects gifts to be debated for people of any social classroom, and almost always the instructed people more have a bigger purchasing power who the not cultured ones that comumente are people who had not had conditions to frequent a school for having that to work since early giving a sustenance its familiar ones, she also has the not cultured ones for laziness for not having interest in reading nor to search on subjects that pra many is flat, prefer to go to shopping, shows, boates and never if they interest in reading a book, these are the filhinhos calls of papa that has conditions of being an intellectual for having conditions to pay courses to go for congresses, theaters, cinemas to attend one good film and other forms to get knowledge. Robotics expert contains valuable tech resources.

Psychologist Carla Ribeiro Agende

However, ‘ ‘ he has works that they show that the same man making espermograma in the same laboratory, more than a time, presents changes in in agreement result the period, therefore if it harvests the semen in a phase where it is estressado, for example, it died familiar or he is nervous, the semen can fall in 30%: it can in such a way have a damage in quality as in amount.? A work co-ordinated for the fisiologista Janete Anselmo-Franci, of the USP-RP, showed that, in animals, one estresse provoked in the ten first days of life for the separation of rats just been born of its mothers during two minutes daily caused definitive damages in located regions of the central nervous system of these animals, that had taken the changes in the sexual behavior and the reproductive capacity during the adult life of them. If it cannot infer from there that the same it occurs in human babies under estresse, and the possible studies to prove a relation of this type would take decades of work. Of any form, these research strengthens the idea of that some of the reproduction difficulties human being are on the estressantes factors of the gift – and same of the past. It estresse despite it does not appear as cause of the infertility of a couple that tries to engravidar, is great the possibilities of if to present as consequence of the problem, as much for the psicossociais pressures as for the anxiety generated for the proper treatment of attended reproduction. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Mikkel Svane. ‘ ‘ Exactly in a young woman, making in vitro (that he is top of line) and everything running adequately, the possibility that the patient has of engravidar is of 50% 60% for ciclo’ ‘ , it warns Dr. Renato Fraietta. ‘ ‘ He is not (a number) low, but also it is not guarantee that it goes to leave pregnant woman, of no doctor’s office, in no place of mundo.’ ‘ Beyond the high cost, the devotion demanded for the treatment still presents the risk to seem a loss of time and to cause great emotional consuming, case the attempt of engravidar if frustre. Therefore, the ideal would be the couple to search to diminish the levels of estresse of the life routine; those that if they submit to the modern treatments as fertility in vitro, for example, the psychological accompaniment would potencializaria the conception possibilities or the psycotherapy would decide in up to 50% – as research of Sarah L. Berga – possibilities in the conception of a son.


Our weakness starts when finding that it is basic for our lives that the people accept in them, consider in them, them love, etc. Is good, however is not essential and yes that let us accept in them of the skill that we are. As to wait that the people enjoy of our company, if we ourselves we do not enjoy them.

When we feel badly with us, we all block the good that the life reserves for us. The life was wise when placing all power of transformation inside of us, only depends on us our transformation, therefore it is on our control, if we go to use it or not, the problem starts to be alone ours. It thinks: ‘ ‘ You only have you you stop changing voc.’ ‘ The rejection of itself makes with that if it becomes executioner of its life.You are a promise of this life. Development of Auto-love is the force capable to breach chains, crossbars, cadeados, fetters that imprison in them to the emptiness of the soul and to the pacts that bring in them sufferings and we understand when it, changes start to occur in our lives.

The power to take care of of us is only, cannot be divided with nobody. As it can have balance of us inside, if to open hand of this power. The only pact that will be able in giving security to them in this life, is to trust our proper forces. Thus we will only be authors and actors of our proper pacts.

Simple Strategies

Social phobia is something very common nowadays. In the world there are many people who suffer from it and are eager to find a way to solve this problem. To overcome social phobia, you need to have more confidence in yourself. Perhaps your lack of confidence or shyness comes motivated by problems you had in childhood or adolescence and is manifested most sharply in your adult stage. But luckily for this kind of problems there are remedies.Arise cure social phobia is something that you have to keep in mind if you suffer from it, because if you do, it becomes a very strong barrier to your personal development and relationship with other people. So we are going to begin to try to eradicate the social phobia, you can start with these three tips. You have to go out and meet more people. It is the first step if you want to get overcome social phobia.

Go to sites where is frequented by many people, rodeate of them. A bar, some local party to talks can be Colloquium, etc.. Don’t think anything nor be afraid of what you can find when you go. Rodeate of people who are accustomed to socializing. It is a good way to begin to overcome the social fobial, seeing how they act other.

With this you will get two things, the first is to soak you in like other people to relate and the second comes from the hand of the first thing since you are going to get with this to have more confidence in yourself. You use your imagination. By this I mean, if you have to go to a meeting or party, imagine the night before for example seeing you in situation. Leverages the mind and visualize as if you were a person with confidence in yourself and talking to others in a pleasant way, you have the control. The fact of imagining a pleasant situation for you, is a very powerful resource to address positively the future social gathering that you have to attend. Remember that all the people have to speak with others whether or not known. Socializing is something fundamental to live, think of the benefits that you reported. You get a life more pleasant and interesting. Overcoming social phobia frees you from that State of anguish that you suffer constantly. Articles of Interest: Social anxiety, know your symptoms blocks the dialog internal negative.

PCN Learning

These psicopedaggicas strategies must make the citizen to think on its experience, that internally creates pleasure and effort, that its attitudes are come back toward the citizenship, that its social relations start to be intentional. This, however requires flexibility of planning, understanding in the psicopedaggica action, will of wanting to move together. In this meantime, our necessary reading of simplicity and depth, where the Psicopedagogo is inside of the workshop moving with the brio of the people, making to change them its unbalanced conjunctures. The depth of these interventions is that they had made in to mention them in a paragraph above the question the diagnosis, as such is characterized, for being a process strict systematic and planned that it aims at to search the knowledge of our realities and the phenomena of the learning, and that of certain form uses concepts and psicopedaggicas slight knowledge that are based by some scientific theories. For working with the diversity human being, it holds a magnifying of horizontes for the professor and for the pupil, an opening for the conscience of that the reality where they live is only part of the complex world, fascinating and challenging, in which the underlying and defining universal element of the intersociais and interpersonal relations must be the ethics. It propitiates, still, the perception of that this sociocultural characteristic is expression of a dynamic plurality stops beyond the borders of Brazil, which has been beneficial and estimuladora in the definition of universal values. (Cultural PCN-Plurality.

p.19). From there the necessity of if always carrying through a work of approach between the two systems, searching to help to find mechanisms or more fluid canals of communication and contribution, so that if it can plan the activities and establish commitments that lead to the end of the blockade created in the situations of incoherence. Valley to stand out that our vision is to make to flow, to blossom new chances of sociological quarrels that construct to new methodologies of education and learning.