Month: September 2012

Credit Suisse

A volume of orders evaluated by Credit Suisse in US$ 600 billion in next the 20 years, exactly that this number is exaggerated, is more than what enough to support an effort of development of equipment suppliers and systems, in a repetition amplified and sophisticated of the decisive performance that Petrobra’s, through its Sermat (Service of Materials), played in the development of the Brazilian industry in the decades of 60 and 70. To lose this chance would be an unforgivable sin. If adequately planned, these actions of the government – that they must be causing arrepios in the neoliberal souls -, co-ordinated for the BNDES, can transform the country into a center of world-wide excellency in services and engineering of oil, as India it are, today, in software, and are planning to be in outsourcing of engineering services. The exitosa implementation of this line of development, possible due to quality and to the diversification of the industrial park and the scientific base of the country, curse of the oil. Daily pay-salt and development socialO volume of resources that the daily pay-salt can generate consolidates and makes solid the vision that the world has, today, of the country. It moves away in definitive the ghost of the exchange crises, and creates a solid fiscal balance. Still more important it is the possibility of rescue of the social debt accumulated in decades of concentration of income and insufficience of the inclusion politics. The open fan of chances depends on the evaluation of each one regarding the gravity hierarchy of the problems of the Brazilian society. Diverse suggestions, all consistent ones, had been aventadas. Suggestions, for example, in the direction of that the resources were applied in the formation of a deep previdencirio to finance retirements of servers, important budgetary problem whose solution could change the reality of some sectors as> to bank, in its budgets, the retirement of professors and servers, reducing the availabilities for investments.