Nowadays it is very important to in line complement our efforts of marketing with the use of the video, every day we see but and but sites enormously use that it increasing the traffic towards their Web sites or blogs. Lamentably still much confusion exists about how to make quality videos, has the idea that its production is very expensive and only this within reach of a few. Today I am going to you to present/display a series of tools that you use if them altogether you will be able to create videos of a very high quality that will allow you to enormente improve enormente the amount and quality of visits towards your site. But whichever they are going to me to cost? You do not worry, one of the best things than it has Internet is that it puts to it reaches of your hand great amount of very useful tools, in this case the total cost of the tools that I am going to show to you is ZERO, thus is all is gratuitous! and you are not going to think that for being gratuitous is not good, in fact are alternative to tools that realise the same but that if they only have cost that these are tools created under the concept of free software. In addition in each tool also I add a league to a series of videos that will show to you like using each one of the tools, the unique thing that lacks is that the unloadings right now and you begin to create your videos of high quality. Here you have my toolbox to create and to publish videos: Gimp Program of Manipulation of Image (Alternative Free of Corel Draw) With this program you will be able to create all the images that you need to present/display in your videos already are logos, headed, photographies, etc.
Month: August 2012
Projects had been consulted associates to the subject, books, sites in the Internet (City hall of Itabirito and FEAM), beyond the visits the ASCITO (Association of the Catadores de Materiais You recycle of Itabirito) and the CEA (Center of ambient education) that also it made possible the attainment of information. PIN (Projeto Integrado), carried through in the previous period also was consulted, in order to add given referring to the characterization of the garbage and of it I fill with earth bathroom. Softwares (Windows, Word, PowerPoint, Excel and AutoCAD) had been used for formatting of the work beyond serving of support for elaboration of maps and grficos.4.DESENVOLVIMENTO4.1? Information of the municpioItabirito metropolitan of Belo Horizonte places itself in the Southeastern region of Brazil in the state of Minas Gerais, pertaining to the microregion of Ouro Preto and the mesorregio. She limits yourself with the cities of Currency, Brumadinho, New Rasp, Upstream, Saint Brbara and Ouro Preto, as she shows FIG. 01 (Authors, 2009). Figure 1 – Microregion de Ouro PretoFonte: Authors, 2009.A headquarters of the city is situated 848m of altitude and has its position determined for the geographic coordinates of 20 31' 14' ' S of latitude and 43 41' 29' ' W of longitude (ITABIRITO, 2009). The city has an area of 549,22 km and is in the Central Administrative Region of the State, where also the cities of Belo Horizonte and others are enclosed 63 (ITABIRITO, 2009). The main way of access leaving of Belo Horizonte is the BR 040 (Belo Horizonte? Rio De Janeiro) and in the distance approached to the capital of the state it is of 55 kilometers (ITABIRITO, 2009).
FIG. 2 shows the access ways. Figure 2 – Way of access Belo Horizonte – ItabiritoFonte: Google Maps (2009) 4.2? Characterization of aterroO I fill with earth bes situated in a parcel of ' ' Marzago' farm; ' , in the agricultural zone of the city of Itabirito, currently declared of public utility for dispossession ends, in view of the implantation of it I fill with earth bathroom.