Madrid Home

During the successive days, Mabel that not often questioned whether he had done well or badly, leaving his family to settle in Madrid, began in silence to do so. Here I found the love of my life, which gave me the opportunity to have a home and this wonderful family I have, I thought. In Uruguay there other love of my life that would have given me something similar to this? They were your questions. I knew that no one on earth could respond to These questions, but could not prevent completion of them. I also knew that Alex, really filled his existence and that alone justified his residence here. Anyway, I thought that it would have been beautiful, that everything that had been found in Uruguay.

But no one can aspire to have everything according to your wishes, said, but the next day went back to ask him. I was pondering over this, when the phone rang. Era Sophie who called Alex to let know you that Joey was ill. Mabel listened attentively what had Sophie, and promised him that Alex reported by Messenger when you return from work. Tell me at that hour you’re at home? She asked him. Don’t think you can find me at home, said Sophie, not be as Joey will evolve, but at the moment I do not move me from the hospital. Don’t worry you will call the mobile just return.

Please give me your number. Sophie, have faith, please. Faith moves mountains do not forget. He heard a sobbing drowned across the phone. He just learned the news, he called her with obvious signs of concern. Sophie had never called him to tell you something as well. In the rare cases that Joey was unwell, was limited to send an email, saying that he had a viral diseases or some Erythema, or enteritis without importance.