
According to recommendation above, for a intent observer, is explicit that it is a process that involves as actors, not only the alunado one, when many educators, unconsciously submit, to the times, until, the situations that express the self-discipline lack, forgetting themselves that they must be examples so that the order prevails in its scope of work, not being facultative to fulfill to it with determinative that they promote the disciplinaridade. When attempting against for the distinction it enters disciplines, while criterion for the secular life and while criterion for the maintenance of the pertaining to school order, perceives a certain indissociabilidade, where if it cannot differentiate them, in what it says respect to the subordination relation. However, Furlani (2001: 44), confer one another look on discipline, when supporting that the conception of disciplines pertaining to school is associated with the form of some of organization of the lesson, with the autodomnio of professors and pupils, and the concentration of efforts of the professor in the gratuity or ' ' reinforcing positivo' ' for the pupils (the professor as facilitador of the adequate performances of the pupils). Libneo (1994: 252), defend point of view of it disciplines that it in classroom, has relation with the profile of practical professor, when emphasizing that: One of the difficulties most common faced by the professor is what if costuma to call ' ' control of disciplina' '. Thus saying, of a impression of that a miraculous key exists that the professor manipulates disciplines to keep it. It is not thus.

It disciplines it of the classroom is directly on to the style of the practical professor, that is, to the professional authority, moral and technique of the professor. How much big authority of professor (in the direction that we mention), more the pupils will give value to its requirements. As if he can perceive, the professor has authorities to exert, which if reveal, according to thought of this author, in three levels: professional? that he expresses yourself as the domain of the substance, as well as of the methods and procedures that he adopts before education; moral? that it is presented by means of its professional devotion; technique? that gift in the elect didactic-pedagogical processes becomes in direction of education and learning.