The ability to torture hostages in different equipment of the base (as to place it in the dough mixer of the refectory) is one of the examples that strengthen the detalhismo of ' ' Evil Genius' ' – but delay very until new problems if not to disclose. In generality, the biggest frustration is resulted of the micron-management. To give general orders without being able to control the workers is one of the problems clearest. All time that somebody invades the base (e, believes, will be many and constant), you need to manually go to give to an order of capture, murder etc. From there you are to twist so that the structure of its base allows an efficient action of its employees. this is not everything: beyond the notoriety, its agents call attention in the countries that they invade in the international map. Because of this, many times are necessary to give orders so that they hide themselves and wait before retaking its attitudes malignant everything this very harm the rhythm of the game.
Although the variety inside of the proper departure, the game offers very little for who wants to play of new – exactly with three protagonists, the action is virtually the same one always. When everything is functioning, is an enormous pleasure to discover all the jokes and trifling details of ' ' Evil Genius' '. But the game conspires as much that many times the will biggest is to leave game. It seems that, at least for the time being, the forces of the Good sairam triumphant.