Horizontal Directional Drilling

There are many methods of trenchless: horizontal drilling, piercing, sanitation, etc. buroshnek All these methods are designed for laying pipes under the ground. HDD method takes a leading place among all the trenchless technologies as possible, and in abundance. Advantages of HDD as compared to traditional methods of laying utilities are obvious: speed, less financial and labor costs, the possibility of installation in inaccessible locations other methods, environmental, and security. Most of Horizontal Directional Drilling is used for transitions, which for one reason or another do not open. For example, under natural and man-made obstacles (rivers, wetlands, roads, houses, ecological zones, etc.) More and more use of horizontal drilling for economic reasons: because of the speed pads, no need for improvement, dumping, attracting substantial resources and technology workforce. The preparatory process precedes drilling to complete the organization of work required a team of at least 3 Specialists (not counting part-time workers): the operator on the locator, the operator of the installation of HDD and operator mixing plants, mixing bentonite solution. Pretreatment involves a comprehensive analysis and explore the place of work.

Analysis of soil, abundance of communication and other barriers in the land, planning and calculation of the trajectory of drilling. Prior to the drilling unit is brought to the job on a vehicle corresponding to its size and weight (trawl, semi-trailer or a truck). The vehicle must be equipped similar to a certain angle of the Congress (usually 17-20 degrees). Next to install the system for training of specialized drilling mud is mixed water, bentonite and polymers.