Action: To begin a oriented therapeutic intervention, arranging new interviews with the patient, trying to find out the type of pathology of the patient. Option 3 _ not to do any valuation solely being based on the information that it has. Action: To extend the information, doing one more a more rigorous investigation of the case, although using a procedure of maximum urgency and priority, by the importance that supposes a case of possible I mistreat. Stage 4. To choose, and to execute, the best solution On this case, the election has been based on the quality of the information that it has psychologist of the center, analyzing the consequences that can be derived. My election would be Option 3 not to realise no valuation, when having to base me on a little information, because it seems to me insufficient. To begin the intervention doing one more a deeper investigation of the case, realising a clinical evaluation (at physical and emotional level), that is going to allow to us to know its state physical as well as the resources and strategies facing that owns the minor, interviews with the familiar surroundings of the student, with its professors, their friendly, etc Also, in first instance, would value the possibility that it did not attend the institute by days, to interrupt the acts against her, if finally they were confirmed, given the gravity of the subject. The realised analysis, to decide in my election on option 3, has been the following one: If we chose option 1 and the bad treatments are not certain, not only it will be harmed the student with an intervention nonadapted his case, but negative consequences can affect third people who can see themselves implied without to have realised no punishable act. The scholastic center can be seen equally affected not to have the preventive measures necessary to avoid the harassment scholastic.